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VitrA’s quest is to create complete, satisfying bathroom environments. This means transforming often overlooked spaces into something more than a necessity of modern life. It’s about creating an enjoyable experience by changing the perception of the bathroom. To realize this ambition, VitrA employs a large inhouse design studio and collaborates with a world-class array of acclaimed industrial designers. These talented individuals not only improve bathroom aesthetics, but functionality as well.

VitrA Voyage.
A journey to a peaceful mind. Designed by Arik Levy
in collaboration with the Design Studio VitrA,
Voyage is a system offering new possibilities for a peaceful mind.
Motivated by the premise that time spent in the bathroom
is not just a physical experience, but rather is an interval,
Voyage creates a space where the mind and body meet,
where the emotional and spiritual aspects of an individual’s existence are stimulated.

V-Care Smart Toilet Prime.
VitrA cares about your personal hygiene and comfort.
Designed by Arik Levy in collaboration with the Design Studio VitrA
and Innovation Center, the V-Care Smart Toilet Prime exemplifies
the perfect integration of design and sophisticated technology
for the bathroom which pampers as it delivers the ultimate in personal hygiene.

VitrA Touch-free Basin Mixer.
Controlled by a built-in sensor, the VitrA Touch-free Basin Mixer
improves hygiene in public toilets and reduces the risk of pathogen cross-contamination.

VitrA Equal.
Brave simplicity. Designed by Claudio Bellini
in collaboration with Design Studio VitrA,
Equal truly offers a bathroom with character.
Simplicity must be treated as the outcome of a brave sophistication,
and as a design approach, it is the human shortcut
to creating equilibrium within the clutter of an urban environment.
This is the balance Equal creates by welcoming diverse needs and desires.

VitrA Origin.
Silent gracefulness. Created by Design Studio VitrA,
grace shapes the Origin collection’s minimalism.
A systematic approach that complements and underlines
the bathroom atmosphere, Origin is a meeting point for mixers,
accessories, shower systems and counter solutions.
Subtle lines, sleek designs and unmatched colour alternatives
create a wealth of choice in sanitary ware,
and lead to a truly customisable bathroom environment.

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VitrA Touch-free Bidet Function.
Controlled by a built-in sensor, VitrA Touch-free Bidet
enhances personal hygiene in toilets and reduces
the risk of pathogen cross-contamination.

VitrA Plural.
Shared intimacy. Designed by Terri Pecora
in collaboration with Design Studio VitrA,
Plural offers the feeling of a vintage living room,
inspired by the iconic mid twentieth century look.
Light and airy furniture is creatively embedded
into the bathroom environment, introducing a welcoming
domestic space where users can share time with others.

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