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Mauro Lipparini, constantly evolving

Mauro Lipparini, constantly evolving


Internationally renowned architect and designer Mauro Lipparini is recognized as one of the leading innovators in the Italian minimalism sector. Honored in global competitions, such as the Good Design Global Awards, he has created luxury furniture, textiles and other designer products.

Close to the heart of Florence, on Viale Petrarca – The Path of Petrarca –, lies the two-story house of Studio Lipparini, one of the most innovative and honored design offices in contemporary Italy. On the upper floor, in the middle of hanging gardens, we find the master, Mauro Lipparini, in his studio, immersed in contemplation and creative expression. Drawing inspiration from models that date back to the Renaissance era, the Italian designer draws on an aesthetic foundation of bold shapes and decisive lines, using a range of colors and textures that imbue his work with a spirit of fun and creativity. His environmental and global vision, both indoor and outdoor, for objects intended for the home and the office for the benefit of companies all over Europe and Asia, ranges from the smallest pieces of furniture to the grandiose.

“I believe that evolution is the only constant essential to good design,” says the designer. For him, “the designer must be the one who will never be satisfied with what is or what has been done for very long, and who therefore continually advances towards what can be.” It is on the basis of this principle that Lipparini articulates the foundations of his vocation. In a world where hustle and bustle reign supreme, what sets him apart from other creators is his understanding that each of us needs – more than ever – a balanced domestic home, built in good harmony. This space, which some might imagine static, is, on the contrary, constantly changing, with the use that one makes of it, with the life and experience of each one.

Day after day, these personalized places must give the impression of being uniquely dedicated to us, giving us a real sense of belonging. Rooted in the clean shapes and clear, powerful lines that characterize Italian minimalism, the furniture and products designed by Lipparini are imbued with a spirit of joie de vivre and cheerfulness. Freely using organic textures and imaginative visual concepts, drawn from the unrivaled repertoire of centuries of Italian design, the architect broadens the classic palette, bringing the immediacy and strength of aesthetics into homes designed for a new era, offering limitless possibilities.

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